The minimum gross basic salary per country is increasing. BIA HCS Legislative Newsletter – June 11th, 2024

the minimum gross basic salary

The minimum gross basic salary per country increases from 3,300 lei to 3,700 lei monthly, starting July 1, 2024. Concretely, there will be an increase in the net salary from 2,079 to 2,363 lei per month. There are also news regarding work for certain categories of employees. Find out details from decision 598/2024, but also the provisions of Law 161/2024!


  • Government Decision no. 598/2024
  • Law no. 161/2024

Government Decision no. 598/2024

Government Decision no. 598/2024 published in the Official Gazette no. 529 dated 06.06.2024 for establishing the gross minimum basic salary per country, guaranteed in payment makes the following specifications:

Comment: Starting from July 1st, 2024, the minimum gross basic salary per country guaranteed in payment, provided in art. 164 para. (1) from Law no. 53/2003 – The Labor Code, republished, with subsequent amendments and additions, is established in money, without including allowances, increments and other additions, at the amount of 3.700 lei per month, for a normal work schedule of 168 hours per month on average, representing 22,024 lei/hour.

Law no. 161/2024

Law no. 161/2024 published in the Official Gazette no. 507 of 31.05.2024 for the amendment of art. 128 para. (2) from Law no. 53/2003 – The Labor Code makes the following statements:

Comment: Pregnant women, women that recently gave birth and those who are breastfeeding, as well as persons in a single-parent family cannot be forced to perform night work.

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