- Resolution no. 965/2013
- State social insurance budget law in 2014
- Resolution no. 992/2013
- State Budget Law on 2014
Resolution no. 965 of 11 December 2013 published in the Official Gazette Part I no. 775 of 12.12.2013, to establish the 27th and 31st December 2013 and January 3rd 2014 as legal holiday, makes the following mentions:
(2) For the days set off in December 2013, public institutions will operate normally on 14th and 21st December 2013 or will properly extend the working time until 24th December 2013, according to schedules established.
(3) For the day set off in January 2014, public institutions will operate normally on 11th January 2014 or will properly extend the working time until 31st January 2014, according to established schedules.
Law no. 340 of 10 December 2013 on state social insurance budget in 2014, published in Official Gazette Part I no. 776 of 12.12.2013, makes the following mentions:
The gross average salary used to support the state social insurance budget for 2014 is 2298 lei.
a) in the case of the insured or pensioner to 2298 lei;
b) in the case of a family member of the insured or pensioner to 1149 lei.
The pension point value in 2014 is 790.7 lei.
Correction index provided at art. 170 of Law 263/2010 on unitary public pension system is 1.07.
Mandatory social contribution rates for 2014 are stipulated by Law no. 571/2003 regarding the Fiscal Code.
Social insurance contribution:
a) 31.3% for normal working conditions, of which 10.5% for individual contribution and 0.8% for the contribution owed by the employer;
b) 36.3% for particular working conditions, of which 10.5% for individual contribution and 5.8% for the contribution owed by the employer;
c) 41.3% for special working conditions, of which 10.5% for individual contribution and 30.8% for the contribution owed by the employer.
Social health contribution
5.5% for individual contribution;
5.2% for the contribution owed by the employer;
Contributions to the unemployment insurance budget:
a) 0.5% for individual contribution;
b) 0.5% for the contribution owed by the employer.
Contribution for work accidents and occupational diseases – differentiated by risk class, between 0.15% – 0.85%.
Contribution to the guarantee fund for salary payment – 0.25% owed by the employer.
In 2014 for the payment of entitlements at the residence of the beneficiaries, the costs for sending and paying the entitlements financed from the social security state budget and those form the unemployment insurance budget is determined by applying the coefficient of 1% on the amount paid and is covered from the budget of the financed entitlement.
In 2014 the price for a paid coupon to the beneficiaries residence, in the situation where they have chosen payment in the current account or credit card account, is 2.15 lei and is paid from the budget of the financed entitlement.
Resolution no. 992 of 11 December 2013 published in the Official Gazette Part I no. 791 of 17.12.2013, establishing the number of work permits that can be issued to foreigner in 2014, makes the following mentions:
Art. 1 – The present decision sets a total of 5.500 work permits that can be issued in 2014 to foreigners who want to be employed or to perform work in Romania based on the decision of detachment.
(2) The types and number of work permits are:
a) work permits for permanent workers – 3000
b) work permits for detached workers – 900
c) work permits for highly skilled workers – 800
d) work permits for seasonal workers – 100
f) work permits for workers in training – 200
h) work permits for cross-border workers – 100
Law no. 356 of 18 December 2013 on state budget 2014, published in Official Gazette Part I no. 805 of 19.12.2013, makes the following mentions:
a) 5.2% for the share owed by employers, provided in art. 258 of Law no. 95/2006;
b) 10.7% for the share owed by persons mentioned in art. 259 para (6) of Law no. 95/2006 (persons who ensure themselves voluntary under conditions of art. 214 para (2) – foreign citizens and stateless persons who are temporarily in the country without requesting long stay visa, members of diplomatic missions accredited in Romania, Romanian citizens residing in abroad who are temporarily in the country);
c) 5.5% for the other categories of people who have the obligation to pay contribution directly or from other sources.
Art. 43 – In 2014, the social benefits for pensioners, provided by Emergency Ordinance no. 6/2009 on establishment of minimum guaranteed social pension is 350 lei.