Ioana found herself in HR through a happy accident. It was 2009 and, after spending some time doing expat consultancy, she joined BIA HR. She had previously worked with some…
By adminBIAHRUser Personal development
Silvia Manolache has been working in Human Resources, doing Payroll and Personnel Administration, for more than 16 years. In secondary school, her math teacher helped uncover a passion for numbers,…
By adminBIAHRUser Personal development
As the Recruitment Manager for BIA HR, Cristina Scarlatescu leads a well-prepared team of professionals who handle active recruitment, headhunting for specialist roles, middle and top management. Cristina has a…
Context In most countries, autumn usually signals the end of the summer vacation and beginning of the school year. In 2020 though, it is still uncertain what this new beginning…