The event organiser is BIA HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES SRL, a Romanian company with its registered office in Bucharest, Horia Macelariu steet, no. 61 – 81, 1st floor, sector 1, registered at the Trade Register in Bucharest under no J40/7707/2005, fiscal code 17521526, called “BIA”or “Organiser” in the rest of the document.

This document describes terms and conditions through which BIA, as an organiser, will offer acces to a series of online events, both free and requiring a registration fee.

By enrolling in the BIA organized events, you legally agree to the way BIA understands to organize these online events.

Please carefully read and make sure you understand the terms and conditions presented in this document before registering to any of the BIA organized online events.

  1. General conditions 

BIA will be organizing several online events leveraging its expertise in human resources, personnel administration, payroll, recruitment, consultancy, etc.

If you would like to register for more than one online event organized by BIA, you will need to do so by filling in your details in the online registratiomn form on the www.bia.ro website: name and surname, email, phone number, residence when signing up as an individual and the company you work for in cases where your employer will pe paying for your participation to the event, CUI and  company registration number along with its registered office address.

  1. Conditions for payed events

After filling out the registration form, you will receive an automated message confirming your registration. After registering, an invoice will be issued and emailed to you. You will need to pay the invoice withing 24 hours of receiving it. If you do not pay it withing the 24 hours, your registration will be cancelled. If you have payed the participation tax but cannot attend the event, we cannot reimburse the amount paid but you will be able to attend another one a future BIA paid online event within the following 6 months. Alternatively, if you have paid the registration tax but cannot attend the event, you can credit another person with the paid amound and he or she will be able to attend the event in your place. In this case, you are required to inform the organisers at least 12 hours before the event by email the team at biaoffice@bia.ro.

  1. Condititions for free BIA online events 

After registration, you will receive an automated message. Since the number of available seats is limited, if you register for a free online event and later do not participate, we reserve the right to reject your registration to later free online events. If you register for a free online event but for objective reasons you cannot participate, you will be able to transfer your seat to another interested person – you will, however, first need to inform the Organizer by email the BIA team at biaoffice@bia.ro at least 12 hours before the start of the event.

  1. Online events participation conditions

To participate in the online events, you will need to have a valid email to be able to use the ZOOM app. Events are limited to 25 people per session. If at the moment of the registration the maximum number of participations have been reached, the Organiser reserves the right to organize another session on the same topic and will notify you of the date and time of the new sessions.

Folowing the event, participants will receive a participation certificate issued by BIA. The certificate will not be one officially recognized by Romanian authorities but a simple certificate confirming participation to a BIA organized event. 

  1.  Copyright law   

During the events, the organisers may offer participants digital copies of information materials that support the topic of the event – these documents may be subject to copyright laws. Participants are required to obide by these copyright laws – if you do not, legal actions might be taken against you.

Photocopying or any type of copying of materials or ideas shared during the event as well as audio or video recording of the event organisers or participants is prohibited.

  1. Disputes and litigations 

Any misunderstanding between the Organiser and the participants will be solved amiably. If that will not be possible, the competent authority will be the one located where the Organiser office is registered.

  1. Feedback 

The Organiser reserves the right to ask participants for feedback, so that it can continuously improve its services to the benefit of all participants. For any other details regarding the events, you can contact us at biaoffice@bia.ro.

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