Immigration Assistance

Immigration AssistanceThe perspective of changing the workplace and the country of residence is increasingly being taken into account by more and more people. The borders no longer stand in the path of personal and professional development, and Romania has become the second house for thousands of foreign citizens.

BIA makes it easier for foreign employees to integrate and adapt to our country and the employing company. We assist and prepare them for this new business and personal experience while providing them with the most useful information. Therefore, we have added immigration assistance to our portfolio of professional human resources services.

Why would you need immigration assistance services

Our team of consultants ensures that the partners who choose us will hold all the “must-haves” required for a successful new start. BIA specialists offer favorable solutions to obtain the necessary documents for any foreign citizen living and working in our country. Our services are designed to facilitate integration and our assistance is addressed not only to the expats relocating to Romania but also to their family members.

The know-how acquired over many years of experience helps us reduce the time spent during the initial of initial analysis and evaluation of the specific documentation. From the beginning, our partners are presented with the full set of options available for a foreign citizen to get temporary or permanent residency in our country.

Our partners who receive immigration assistance from BIA, benefit from the following services:

  • Analysis and evaluation of the initial documentation to determine which type of visa is appropriate;
  • Support for obtaining a work visa, a student visa or a business visa;
  • Analysis of the specific needs of immigrant family members of the foreigner employees who relocate in Romania;
  • Assistance in obtaining permanent residence;
  • Consultancy for situations such as planned trips outside Romania;
  • Assistance to obtain registration certificates for EU / EEA / Swiss Confederation and residence cards for their family members;
  • Support for maintaining relationships with relevant institutions.

Confidentiality, a principle we abide by

Our confidentiality promise is a hallmark of our services. This is why we managed to place ourselves among the top professionals in our field. We are aware that every project involves exchanges of confidential information and each party must undertake that such information will not be disclosed to third parties. This guarantees that the shared information will be limited only to the contracting parties.

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