Andreea Dumitrescu, recruitment manager at BIA HR, talks about candidates for the “Cariere” Magazine

Andreea Dumitrescu, recruitment manager at BIA HR, talked about the interaction that candidates have with recruiters and employers, in an extensive article published by “Cariere” magazine. Experience has shown that it is quite difficult to find people for junior positions, as graduates from Romanian universities already have a serious luggage composed not only of theoretical knowledge but also consisting of work experience.

"Students have jobs since college. They have been doing internships, they have contracts with companies, have an experience and do not want to be juniors within a company, and also because salaries are according to this. They are doing internships outside of the country, as for example with the ‘Work and Travel’ program, where they do not only come back with money, but also with memories. There they work at fast food companies and learn what it means to work a certain number of hours a day, to be responsible, to have a target," Andreea Dumitrescu stated.

At the same time, she noted that as the offer is very various in almost all areas of activity and the candidates go even to two interviews a day and can have a choice, they have an inappropriate behavior sometimes. For example, it often happens that they do not show up at the already scheduled interviews and do not let the recruiters know this in advance. In order to support recruiters and employers, the biggest job platforms are now offering the opportunity to mark this type of candidates.

Employers, in their turn, want from their potential employees, especially some "common sense", as well as the existence of a “chemistry” with the team, people who want to learn and develop themselves, not only to ask from the start what the salary is. More about the ideal employee profile can be found in the full article published on the "Cariere" magazine website.


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