Practices to which every successful employer must adhere

It is not easy to get to be an effective and successful employer. This could be achieved through two indispensable elements. One is related to the image created for the potential candidates, employees, and the other employers. The other element is related to the fact that an effective recruitment process means attracting new talent, people with potential and, on the long-term, higher productivity.

Recruitment processes should have positive results for the entire organization and not to be just a series of numbers for the HR department. Employees from human resources should be guided in the process of recruiting by a vision and a set of shared values, values that are shared by the entire company, by all teams and departments.

Before starting the recruitment process, we should take a look at the internal HR department and the methods that it uses in the recruitment process. Are these methods efficient? Do they attract new talent and grow the organization’s image as an employer in the eyes of the candidates? The persons employed through internal HR department are attracted by the real benefits offered by the company?

Things from another perspective – Where are the weaknesses and how we identify them

These are questions that the leaders of the organization should answer before reviewing how the recruitment process takes place. Practically every employer should put himself in the place of a candidate who hears for the first time about the company, and he needs answers to a series of questions before accepting the offer. Also, it would be good to ask for feedback from candidates who have refused the offer of the organization and decided to choose another employer, in order to identify specific gaps in the recruitment process.

When such weaknesses are discovered at the level of leadership, things that reflect on the recruitment process, it would be preferable to make the necessary changes from this point of view. Basically, at any level the weaknesses will be identified, it is better to manage them for the benefit of the entire organization.

For example, when the internal human resources department discovers some issues, the employer should take into account the possibility to appeal to a recruitment company, especially if we are talking about important positions.

We should also take into account that the marketing strategy makes an important contribution to the recruitment process. Therefore, the tasks of the marketing department should also include promoting the employer brand, not only the services that the organization offers.

Finally, we also need to mention the role that social media plays in this process and to point out the benefits that they bring for the promotion of the company are becoming increasingly important in the last decade.


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