Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit.
Incepand din 2011, BIA este furnizorul de servicii de salarizare si administrare de personal al firmelor Toyota Romania si Inchcape Motors. La aceste servicii s-au adaugat pe parcursul colaborarii noastre si cele de recrutare si leasing de personal, BIA devenind astfel furnizorul nostru principal de servicii integrate in domeniul resurselor umane. In cei cinci ani de colaborare, echipa BIA ne-a oferit in mod constant servicii de inalta calitate. Am apreciat in mod deosebit flexibilitatea cu care au raspuns tuturor nevoilor noastre si adaptarea rapida la cerintele specifice firmelor din grupul nostru. Intr-un mediu in care legislatia muncii este supusa unor schimbari rapide, echipa BIA ne-a tinut intotdeauna la curent cu noutatile si a asigurat respectarea tuturor cerintelor legale pentru activitatea de salarizare si leasing de personal. De asemenea, BIA ne-a asigurat o selectie riguroasa a candidatilor pe care i-am recrutat atat pentru posturi de middle si top management cat si pentru pozitii de executie, facand astfel posibila o integrare rapida a noilor nostri angajati.
Colaborarea noastra cu BIA a fost excelenta din toate punctele de vedere si din acest motiv ii recomandam calduros ca un furnizor de incredere pe piata serviciilor de resurse umane.
Folosim serviciile BIA HR din Septembrie 2008, anul in care am lansat operatiunile in Romania. Avandu-i pe ei ca furnizor de incredere pentru serviciile de salarizare, administrare de personal si consultanta pe relatii de munca, ne putem concentra eforturile pentru dezvoltarea capitalului uman pe care il avem.
Recomand cu caldura BIA ca pe un partener pe care te poti baza.
Colaborarea directa cu ofiterii payroll BIA este de fiecare data foarte eficienta si de o calitate remarcabila, acestia dovedind profunde si consistente competente profesionale, actionand dinamic si optim. BIA Human Resources Management Services este un partener de incredere, capabil sa asigure suportul si avand toate competentele necesare in domeniul pe care il reprezinta.
Consultantii BIA HR au derulat si finalizat cu succes procese de selectie si recrutare deschise pentru pozitii de middle management si specialisti in cadrul SNGN ROMGAZ SA, facand posibila si integrarea rapida a noilor angajati in cadrul companiei. Colaborarea noastra cu BIA HR este foarte buna din toate punctele de vedere si din acest motiv ii recomandam calduros ca fiind un furnizor de incredere pentru derularea serviciilor de selectie si recrutare.
De mai bine de 4 ani BIA este partenerul cu care am lucrat cu incredere in aria serviciilor de salarizare si administrare de personal. Echipa cu care lucram este la curent cu noutatile legislative, exacta in calcule si ofera solutii practice la problemele care apar. Ii recomand cu caldura.
BIA HR s-a dovedit a fi un partener de incredere, raspunzand prompt cerintelor si exigentelor grupului UTI, respectand termenele de livrare si cautand sa-si imbunatateasca permanent calitatea serviciilor, dovedind flexibilitate si profesionalism. Recomandam BIA HR, ca o companie orientata spre furnizarea de servicii de calitate si continua imbunatatire a acestora, precum si mentinerea unei adevarate relatii de parteneriat cu clientii sai.
We have been using BIA HR services since September 2008, the year we started our operations in Romania. Having them as a trustworthy provider of payroll, personnel administration and HR legal consulting services allows us to focus on the development of our Human Capital. Thus, I strongly recommend them as a reliable partner.
Starting from 2011, BIA is the provider of payroll and personnel administration services for Inchcape Motors and Toyota Romania. During our collaboration, we further added to these services recruitment and staff leasing. As such, BIA became our main supplier of integrated services in the Human Resources field. During the two and a half years of collaboration, the BIA team has consistently given us high-quality services. We highly appreciate the flexibility with which they answered all our needs and the quick adaptation to the specific requirements of our group of companies. In an anvironment where labor legislation is a matter of immediate change, the BIA team always kept us up to date and ensured the compliance with all the legal requirements for activities such as payroll and staff leasing. BIA HR also provided us a rigorous selection of candidates whom we recruited both for middle and top management positions and for executive positions, making it possible to integrate our new employees. Our collaboration with BIA HR has been excellent from all points of view and, therefore, we warmly recommend them as being a reliable supplier of HR services in the market.
BIA HR consultants have conducted and successfully completed the selection and recruitment processes opened for middle management and specialists positions with SNGN Romgaz SA, also facilitating the quick and smooth integration of the new employees in the company. Our collaboration with BIA HR is very good from all points of view and, therefore, we warmly recommend them as a reliable supplier to manage selection and recruitment services.
The direct collaboration with the payroll officers from BIA is always a very efficient and has an outstanding quality, proving deep and consistent professional skills, acting dynamically and optimally. BIA Human Resources Management Services is a reliable partner, able to provide support and one that has all the skills needed in the field they represent.
BIA is the partner with who we have confidently worked in the payroll and personnel administration area. The team we work with is up to date with the legislation, exact in calculations, and delivers practical solutions for the problems that arise. I highly recommend them.
BIA HR proved to be a reliable partner by promptly responding to UTI’s needs and requirements, respecting deadlines and constantly seeking to improve the quality of their services, showing flexibility and professionalism. We recommend BIA HR as a company oriented towards providing quality services, continuous improvement, and maintaining true partnerships with their customers.