Contains: • Decision no. 274/2013 • Order no. 969/2013 • Decision no. 653/2013 • Order no. 539/2013 Decision no. 274/2013 Decision no. 274 of 21 August 2013, published in Official…
Contains: Ordinance no. 16/2013 Order no. 1681/2013 Law. 279/2005 republication Order no. 1022/2013 Resolution no. 530/2013 Resolution no. 613/2013 Ordinance no. 16/2013 Ordinance no. 16…
Contains: • Law no. 250/2013 • Law no. 235/2013 • Order no. 1038/2013 • Order no. 938/2013 Law no. 250/2013 Law no. 250 of 19 July 2013, published in Official…
Contains: Law no. 213/2013 Law no. 191/2013 Order no. 878/2013 Resolution no. 478/2013 Order no. 877/2013 Law no. 213/2013 Law no. 213 of 27 June…
Contains: Law no. 179/2013 Resolution no. 369/2013 Law. 189/2013 Law. 217/2013 Law no. 179/2013 Law no. 179 of 11 June 2013, published in Official Gazette Part…