- Law no. 158/2013
- Order no. 3547/2013
- Emergency Ordinance no. 42/2013
- Order no. 874/2013
- Legislative initiatives of citizens
Law no. 158 of 15 May 2013, published in Official Gazette Part I, no. 280 of 17.05.2013, amending and supplementing the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 194/2002 regarding the regime of foreigners in Romania, makes the following mentions:
Comment: Present law amends the rights and obligations of the foreigners declared undesirable or against which it has been disposed the measure of return or expulsion, and which are staying in the centers adiminstrated by the Romanian Immigration Office. Therefore:
- During the period of accommodation in centers, foreigners can communicate both with diplomatic and consular representatives of the country of origin and with family and legal representative;
- Are defined a set of internal rules, way of organizing the access, protection, surveillance and accompaniments of the foreigners in and out centers;
- Changes are made to article 144 Incurring expenses.
Order no. 3547 of 15 April 2013, published in Official Gazette Part I, no. 284 of 21.05.2013, regarding the approval of the Methodology for monitoring the socio-professional insertion of the technical and vocational education graduates, at 6 months and 12 months after graduation, makes the following mentions:
Comment: The methodology aims to determine the extent of socio-professional instertion of the technical and vocational education graduates, as well as the characteristics of the transition process from school to work. It also investigates the transition rate of technical and vocational education graduates at the next level of education, as well as the determinants of these rates.
Emergency Ordinance no. 42 of 15 May 2013, published in Official Gazette Part I, no. 287 of 21.05.2013, amending and supplementing Law no. 416/2001 regarding the minimum wage, as well as amending Law 277/2010 regarding family support allowance, makes the following mentions:
Starting with 1 July 2013, the monthly minimum guaranteed income related to the reference social indicator (RSI = 500 lei for 2013) is:
a) 0.271 RSI for a single person;
b) 0.488 RSI for families of 2 persons;
c) 0.684 RSI for families of 3 persons;
d) 0.846 RSI for families of 4 persons;
e) 1009 for families of 5 persons;
f) 0.070 RSI for each additional person over the number of 5 persons, which is part of the family.
Starting with 1 January 2014, the monthly minimum guaranteed income related to the reference social indicator (RSI) is:
a) 0.283 RSI for a single person;
b) 0.510 RSI for families of 2 persons;
c) 0.714 RSI for families of 3 persons;
d) 0.884 RSI for families of 4 persons;
e) 1054 for families of 5 persons;
f) 0.073 RSI for each additional person over the number of 5 persons, which is part of the family.
Comment: The present ordinance also amends Law no. 277/2010 regarding family support allowance. The provisions of this Emergency Ordinance applies starting with the rights related to July 2013.
Order no. 874 of 13 May 2013, published in the Official Gazette Part I, no. 291 of 22.05.2013, regarding the approval of the Methodology for selecting and funding projects in the filed of protection of persons with disabilities for 2013, makes the following mentions:
- may receive funds for financing projects, NGOs accredited as social service providers operating in the protection of persons with disabilities;
- projects can be carried on its own or in partnership with other accredited social service providers;
- eligible activities are – establishing social services such as day care or shelterd houses, corresponding to the individual needs of people with disabilities.
Legislative initiatives of citizens according to the law no. 189/1999
Legislative initiative Frame-Law concerning the status of the Republic of Moldova citizens in Romania, was published in the Official Gazette Part I, no. 285 of 21.05.2013