

    BIA Human Capital Solutions S.R.L

    CUI: RO26715513

    Reg. Com.: J2010003290405

    Capital social: 45.000 lei

    IBAN:  RO34BACX0000001882938000

    Adresa: Str. Horia Macelariu, nr. 61-81, corp B, etaj 1, cam.6, Sector 1, Bucuresti

    Telefon: +40.372.132.431 / +40.21.319.35.82



    BIA Human Resource Management Services

    CUI: RO17521526

    Reg. Com.: J2005007707406

    Capital social: 46.650 lei

    IBAN: RO75RNCB0076124976020001

    Adresa: Str. Horia Macelariu, nr. 61-81, corp B, etaj 1, Sector 1, Bucuresti

    Telefon: +40.372.132.431 / +40.21.319.35.82


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