BIA Talent Webinar: How to Build a Great Image as a Candidate

On Friday, July 17, our BIA HR recruitment team hosted the first webinar in the BIA Talent series. This first online event was addressed to those looking to learn more about how to create a positive and professional image of themselves in the eyes and minds of recruiters and potential employers.

Cover letters, CVs, and LinkedIn profiles are candidate calling cards. Correctly written and edited, they can open the door for the next step – an interview. Guided by the BIA HR consultants, webinar participants talked about how to use these documents to their advantage, they asked questions and analysed specific situations and examples.


„We were all very happy to share about our experiences – both from a recruiter’s perspective and that of a candidate. As recruiters, each of us sees and reads tens, if not hundreds, of CVs every week. We can’t help noticing the most frequent errors. These are usually around badly written or formatted documents, professional experiences that aren’t relevant for the job that the candidate is applying for, plenty of confusing company jargon, etc. All these negatively impact the way we perceive the candidate.


BIA HR Webinar


We hoped that this first event in the BIA Talent webinar series would become an honest dialogue between recruiters and candidates. We opened the discussion to all those interested in the latest CV-writing trends, in better understanding the relevance of a cover letter during the recruitment process or in sharpening their LinkedIn account. All this in order to differentiate themselves from other candidates. We were thrilled to see such a high level of interest from participants – they were engaged and asked great questions,” said Cristina Scarlatescu, BIA HR Recruitment Manager.

bia hr webinarThis online event was moderated by George Georgescu, HR Business Development Manager. Along with Cristina Scarlatescu, BIA HR’s recruitment consultants Georgiana Mirica and Alexandra Ciobanu helped answer questions addressed by webinar participants.

Those interested in the topics covered by this webinar can find more information on our website on how to put together a cover letter or sharpen a LinkedIn account.